Publications (Peer-reviewed papers) (*: Corresponding author)
97. Sako, T., H. Hasegawa*, T. Ruj, G. Komatsu, Y. Sekine
"The periglacial landforms and estimated subsurface ice distribution in the northern mid-latitude of Mars"
Journal of Geosphysical Research - Planets, 130, e2023JE008232, 1-22, 2025

96. Noda, N.*, Y. Sekine, Y. Takahashi, K. Fukushi, H. Sakuma, T. Kawai, M. Nakagawa, N. Kitadai, K. Johnson-Finn, S. E. McGlynn
"Hydrogen generation from ferrous saponite in reaction with H2S-containing fluid: Relevance to early Martian habitability"
Journal of Geosphysical Research - Planets, 130, e2024JE008538, 1-17, 2025

95. Sanden, S. A.*, C. J. Butch, S. Bartlett, N. Virgo, Y. Sekine, S. E. McGlynn*
"Rapid hydrolysis rates of thio- and phosphate esters constrain the origin of metabolism to cool, acid to neutral environments"
iScience, 27, 111088, 1-11, 2024

94. Tabata, H.*, Y. Sekine, K. Ozaki
"Iron redox states in closed-basin lakes on early Mars: Its sensitivity to water chemistry, hydrology, and atmospheric composition"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 381, 97-115, 2024

93. Arakawa, M.*, S. Kono, Y. Sekine, A. Terasaki
"Reaction of size-selected iron-oxide cluster cations with methane: a model study of rapid methane loss in Mars' atmosphere"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26, 14684-14690, 2024

92. Shibuya, T.*, Y. Sekine, S. Kikuchi, H. Kurokawa, K. Fukushi, T. Nakamura, S. Watanabe
"Aqueous alteration in icy planetesimals: The effect of outward transport of gaseous hydrogen"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 374, 264-283, 2024

91. Okazaki, Y.*, S. Azuma, D. Fukuhara, I. Katayama, Y. Sekine, T. Saruya
"Low-temperature friction experiments on ice-salt mixtures: Implications for the strength of ice plate boundaries on Europa"
Icarus, 411, 115961, 1-9, 2024

90. Sugiuchi, M., Y. Sekine*, S. Takahashi
"Comparative study on cavernous weathering features formed by coastal processes and acidic alteration: Implications for rounded pits on Martian rocks"
Icarus, 410, 115889, 1-13, 2024

89. Tan, S.*, Y. Sekine, T. Kikuchi, H. Suematsu, T. Hama, Y. Takahashi
"Comparing the radiolytic oxidation of sulfur and chloride within ice on Europa and Mars"
Icarus, 410, 115873, 1-11, 2024

88. Li, Y.*, H. Kurokawa, Y. Sekine, Y. Kebukawa, Y. Nakano, N. Kitadai, N. Zhang, Y. Ueno, G. Fujimori, R. Nakamura, K. Fujishima, J. Isa
"Aqueous breakdown of aspartate and glutamate to n-ω-amino acids on the parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites and asteroid Ryugu"
Science Advances, 9, eadh7845, 1-15, 2023
*Open accress article in Science Advances

87. Postberg, F.*, Y. Sekine, F. Klenner, C. R. Glein, Z. Zou, B. Abel, K. Furuya, J. K. Hillier, N. Khawaja, S. Kempf. L. Noelle, T. Saito, J. Schmidt,
T. Shibuya, R. Srama, S. Tan
"Detection of phosphates originating from Enceladus's ocean"
Nature, 618, 489-493, 2023
*Open accress article in Nature
*News & Views by M. Zolotov

86. Kitajima, T.*, K. Fukushi, B. Gankhurel, D. Davaasuren, S. Ganbat, U. Udaanjargal, T. Gerelmaa, Y. Sekine, Y. Takahashi, M. Yoda, N. Hasebe
"Solubility of amorphous magnesium carbonate at low temperature: Implications for carbonate mineral formation in alkaline lakes"
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7, 1227-1234, 2023

85. Hirai, E.*, Y. Sekine*, N. Zhang, N. Noda, S. Tan, Y. Takahashi, H. Kagi
"Rapid aggregation and dissolution of organic aerosols in liquid methane on Titan"
Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103015, 1-9, 2023

84. Imamura, S.*, Y. Sekine, Y. Maekawa, H. Kurokawa, T. Sasaki
"Effective formation of surface flow due to salt precipitation within soils upon repeated brine seepages on Mars"
Icaurs, 396, 115500, 1-11, 2023

83. Ogihara, M.*, H. Genda, Y. Sekine
"Early water delivery to terrestrial planet regions during the stages of Jupiter's formation and migration in the Grand Tack model"
The Planetary Science Journal, 4, 32, 1-11, 2023

Azua-Bustos A.*, A. Fairen, C. Gonzalez-Silva, O. Prieto-Ballesteros, D. Carrizo, L. Sánchez-García, V. Parro, M. A. Fernandez-Martinez,
C. Escudero, V. Muñoz-Iglesias, M. T. Fernandez-Sampedro, A. Molina, M. Garcia-Villadangos, M. Moreno-Paz, J. Wierzchos, C. Ascaso,
T. Fornaro, J. Brucato, G. Poggiali, J. A. Manrique, M. Veneranda, G. Lopez-Reyes, A. Sanz-Arranz, F. Rull, A. Olilla, R. Wiens, A. Reyes-Newell,
S. Clegg, M. Millan, S. Johnson, O. McIntosh, C. Szopa, C. Freissinet, Y. Sekine, K. Fukushi, K. Morida, K. Inoue, H. Sakuma, E. Rampe

"Dark microbiome and extremely low organics in Atacama fossil delta unveil Mars life detection limits"

Nature Communications, 14:808, 1-14, 2023

*Open accress article in Nature Communications

81. Endo, Y.*, Y. Sekine, Y. Ueno
"Sulfur mass-independent fractionation during SO2 photolysis in low-temperature/pressure atmospheres"
Chemical Geology, 609, 121064, 1-17, 2022

80. Li, Y.*, N. Kitadai, Y. Sekine, H. Kurokawa, Y. Nakano, K. Johnson-Finn
"Geoelectric-driven alteration of amino acids to derivative organics in carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies"
Nature Communications, 12: 4893, 1-14, 2022

*Open accress article in Nature Communications

79. Shozaki, H.*, Y. Sekine, N. Guttenberg, G. Komatsu
"Recognition and classification of Martian chaos terrains using imagery machine learning: A global distribution of chaos linked to groundwater
circulation, catastrophic flooding, and magmatism on Mars"
Remote Sensing, 14, 3883, 1-32, 2022

78. Noda, N.*, Y. Sekine, S. Tan, S. Kikuchi, T. Shibuya, M. Kurisu, Y. Takahashi, K. Fukushi, E. B. Rampe
"Characterization of groundwater chemistry beneath Gale Crater on early Mars by hydrothermal experiments"
Icarus, 386, 115149, 1-13, 2022

Gankhurel, B., K. Fukushi*, D. Davaasuren, E. Imai, U. Udaanjargal, T. Gerelmaa, Y. Sekine, Y. Takahashi, N. Hasebe
"Arsenic and uranium concentration of Orog Lake in the Valley of Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Field evidence of conservative accumulation of
U in an alkaline, closed-basin lake during evaporation"
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 129017, 1-15, 2022

Fukushi, K.*, Y. Sekine, E. B. Rampe
"Reconstruction of pH, redox condition, and concentrations of major components in ancient liquid water from the Karasburg member,
Murray formation, Gale Crater, Mars"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 325, 129-151, 2022

75. Sakuma, H.*, K. Morida, Y. Takahashi, K. Fukushi, N. Noda, Y. Sekine, K. Tamura
"Synthesis of ferrian and ferro-saponites: Implications for the structure of (Fe,Mg)-smectites synthesized in reduced conditions"
American Mineralogist, 107, 1926-1935, 2022

74. Tan, S.*, Y. Sekine, M. Kuzuhara
"Spatially resolved observations of Europa's surface with Subaru/IRCS at 1.0-1.8 µm: Upper limits to the abundances of hydrated Cl-bearing salts"
The Planetary Science Journal, 3:70, 1-18, 2022

Castillo-Rogez, J.*, J. Brophy, K. Miller, M. Sori, J. Scully, L. Quick, R. Grimm, M. Zolensky, M. Bland, D. Buczkowski, C. Raymond, A. Hendrix
T. Prettyman, Y. Sekine
, T. Titus, D. Williams, P. Backes, L. Barge, A. Ermakov, S. Moreland, K. Zacny
"Concepts for the future exploration of dwarf planet Ceres' habitability"
The Planetary Science Journal, 3:41, 1-21, 2022

72. Kurokawa, H.*, T. Shibuya, Y. Sekine, B. L. Ehlmann, F. Usui, S. Kikuchi, M. Yoda
"Distant formation and differentiation of outer main belt asteroids and carbonaceous chondrites' parent bodies"
AGU Advances, 3, e2021AV000568, 1-23, 2022

71. Chobelt, G.*, G. Tobie, A. Buch, O. Čadek, L. M. Barge, M. Behounkova,E. Camprubi, C. Freissinet, M. Hedman, G. Jones, V. Lainey, A. Le Gall,
A. Lucchetti, S. MacKenzie, G. Mitri, M. Neveu, F. Nimmo, K. Olsson-Francis, M. Panning, F. Postberg, J. Saur, J. Schmidt, Y. Sekine
, T. Shibuya,
C. Sotin, O. Soucek, C. Szopz, T. Usui, S. Vance, T. Van Hoolst
"Enceladus as a potential oasis for life: Scoemce goals and investigations for future explorations"
Experimental Astronomy, 52, doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09808-7, 2021

Yoda, M.*, Y. Sekine, K. Fukushi, T. Kitajima, B. Gankhurel, D. Davaasuren, T. Gerelmaa, S. Ganbat, D. Shoji, M. Y., Zolotov, Y. Takahashi
"Field investigations of chemical partitioning and aqueous chemistry of freezing closed-basin lakes in Mongolia as analogs of subsurface brines on icy bodies"
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, 126, e2021JE006972, 1-22, 2021

Zhang, N.*, G. T. Snyder, M. Lin, M. Nakagawa, A. Gilbert, N. Yoshida, R. Matsumoto, Y. Sekine
"Doubly substituted isotopologies of methane hydrate (13CH3D and 12CH2D2): Implications for methane clumped isotope effects, source apportionments, and global hydrate reservoirs"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 315, 15, 127-151, 2021

68. Noda, N.*, S. Yamashita, Y. Takahashi, M. Matsumoto, Y. Enokido, K. Amano, T. Kawai, H. Sakuma, K. Fukushi, Y. Sekine, T. Nakamura
"Anaerobic Microscopic analysis of ferrous saponite and its sensitivity to oxidation by Earth's air: Lessons learned for analysis of returned samples from
Mars and carbonaceous asteroids"
Minerals, 11: 1244, 1-21, 2021

Koyama, H.*, N. Terada, H. Nakagawa, T. Kuroda, Y. Sekine
"Stability of atmospheric redox states of early Mars inferred from time response of the regulation of H and O losses"
The Astrophysical Journal, 912: 135, 1-11, 2021

66. Tabata, H.*, Y. Sekine, Y. Kanzaki, S. Sugita
"An experimental study of photo-oxidation of Fe(II): Implications for the formation of Fe(III) (hydro)oxides on early Mars and Earth"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 299, 35-51, 2021

Goto, K. T.*, Y. Sekine, T. Ito, K. Suzuki, A. D. Anbar, G. W. Gordon, Y. Harigane, T. Maruoka, G. Shimoda, T. Kashiwabara, Y. Takaya, T. Nozaki,
J. R. Hein, G. M. Tetteh, F. K. Nyame, S. Kiyokawa

"Progressive ocean oxygenation at ~2.2 Ga inferred from geochemistry and molybdenum isotopes of the Nsuta Mn deposit, Ghana"
Chemical Geology, 567, 120116, 1-14, 2021

Tan, S.*, Y. Sekine, T. Shibuya, C. Miyamoto, Y. Takahashi
"The role of hydrothermal sulfate reduction in the sulfur cycles within Europa: Laboratory experiments on sulfate reduction at 100 MPa"
Icarus, 357, 114222, 1-13, 2021

63. Sekine, Y.*
"Habitability and planetary redox"
Viva Origino, 48, 6, 1-13, 2020

Sekine, Y.*, T. Kitajima, K. Fukushi, B. Gankhurel, S. Tsetsgee, D. Davaasren, H. Matsumiya, T. Chida, M. Nakamura, N. Hasebe
"Hydrogeochemical study on closed-basin lakes in cold and semi-arid climates of the Valley of the Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Implications for hydrology and water chemistry of paleolakes on Mars"
Minerals, 10, 792, 1-28, 2020

Fukushi, K.*, E. Imai, Y. Sekine, T. Kitajima, B. Gankhurel, D. Davaasren, N. Hasebe
"In-situ formation of monohydrocalcite in alkaline saline lakes in the Valley of Gobi Lakes: Prediction of Mg, Ca, and total dissolved carbonate concentrations in Enceladus' ocean and alkaline-carbonate ocean worlds"
Minerals, 10, 669, 1-15, 2020

60. De Sanctis, M. C.*, G. Mitri, J. Castillo-Rogez, C. H. House, S. Marchi, C. A. Raymond, Y. Sekine
"Relict ocean worlds: Ceres"
Space Science Review, 216, 60, 1-33, 2020

59. Goto, K. T.*, Y. Sekine, G. Shimoda, J. R. Hein, S. Aoki, A. Ishikawa, K. Suzuki, G. W. Gordon, A. Anbar
"A framework for understanding Mo isotope records of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Fe- and Mn-rich sedimentary rocks: Insights from modern marine hydrothermal Fe-Mn oxides"
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 280, 221-236, 2020

58. Taubner, R.-S.*, K. Olsson-Francis, S. Vance, N.K. Ramkissoon, F. Postberg, J.-P. de Vera, A. Antunes,
E. Camprubi Casas, Y. Sekine, L. Noack, L. Barge, J. Goodman, M. Jebbar, B. Journaux, Ӧ. Karatekin, F. Klenner,
E. Rabbow, P. Rettberg, T. Rückriemen-Bez, J. Saur, T. Shibuya, K. Soderlund

"Experimental and simulation efforts in the Astrobiological exploration of exooceans"
Space Science Review, 216: 9, 1-41, 2020

Fukushi, K.*, Y. Sekine, H. Sakuma, K. Morida, R. Wordsworth
"Semiarid climate and hyposaline lake on early Mars inferred from reconstructed water chemistry at Gale"
Nature Communications, 10, 4896, 1-11, 2019

*Open accress article in Nature Communications

56. Kamata, S.*, F. Nimmo, Y. Sekine, K. Kuramoto, N. Noguchi, J. Kimura, A. Tani
"Pluto's ocean is capped and insulated by gas hydrates"
Nature Geoscience, 12, 407-410, 2019

*Journal page: Nature Geoscience

Noda, N.+, S. Imamura+, Y. Sekine*+, M. Kurisu, K. Fukushi, N. Terada, S. Uesugi, C. Numako, Y. Takahashi, J. Hartmann
(+: these authors equally contribute to the paper)

"Highly oxidizing aqueous environments on early Mars inferred from scavenging pattern of trace metals on manganese oxides"
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, 124, 1-14, doi: 10.1029/2018JE005892, 2019

54. Sekine, Y.*, T. Shibuya, S. Kamata
"Enceladus - evidence and unsolved questions for an ice-covered habitable world"
In Astrobiology - From the origins of life to the search for extraterrestial intelligence, eds. A. Yamagishi et al., Springer-Nature, 399-407, 2019

今村 翔子*, 関根 康人, 佐々木 猛智, 前川 優
日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人, 27, 3, 163-172, 2018

野田 夏実*, 今村 翔子, 関根 康人, 上杉 宋一郎, 栗栖 美菜子, 高橋 嘉夫, 寺田 直樹, 福士 圭介
日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人, 27, 3, 138-146, 2018

51. Chang, Y.*, K. Goto, Y. Sekine, E. Tajika
"Depositional processes of impactite of the YAX-1 drill core in the Chicxulub crater inferred from vertical profiles of PDFs orientations and grain size distribution of shocked quartz"
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53, 7, 1323-1340, 2018

Sekine, Y.*, K. Kodama, T. Kobayashi, S. Obata, Y. Chang, N. O. Ogawa, Y. Takano, N. Ohkouchi, K. Saiki, T. Sekine
"An experimental study on impact-induced alterations of planetary organic simulants"
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53, 6, 1267-1282, 2018

49. Hong, P.*, Y. Sekine, T. Sasamori, S. Sugita
"Experimental study of heterogeneous organic chemistry induced by far ultraviolet light: Implications for growth of organic aerosols by CH3 addition in the atmospheres of Titan and early Earth"
Icarus, 307, 25-39, 2018

48. 黒田 剛史*, 佐川 英夫, 関根 康人, 笠井 康子, P. Hartogh
Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 37, 4, 351-361, 2017

47. Yamamoto, S.*, T. Matsunaga, R. Nakamura, Y. Sekine, N. Hirata, Y. Yamaguchi
"An automated method for crater counting using rotational pixel swapping method"
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, 8, 4384-4397, 2017

46. Sekine, Y.*+, H. Genda+, S. Kamata, T. Funatsu (+: these authors equally contribute to the paper)
"The Charon-forming giant impact as a source of Pluto's dark equatorial regions"
Nature Astronomy, 1: 0031, 1-6, doi: 10.1038/s41550-016-0031, 2017

*Journal page: Nature Astronomy
*Selected as Research highlights in Nature

洪 鵬*, 関根 康人, 杉田 精司
日本エアロゾル学会誌 エアロゾル研究, 31, 3, 185-191, 2016

Sekine, Y.*, T. Shibuya, F. Postberg, H-.W. Hsu, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, M. Mori, P.K. Hong, M. Yoshizaki, S. Tachibana, S. Sirono
"High-temperature water-rock interactions and hydrothermal environments in the chondrite-like core of Enceladus"
Narure Communications, 6: 8604, 1-8, doi: 10.1038/ncomms9604, 2015

*Selected as a highlight paper in Nature Communications

Harada, M.*, E. Tajika, Y. Sekine
"Transition to an oxygen-rich atmosphere with an extensive overshoot triggered by the Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth"
Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 419, 178-186, 2015

42. 山本 聡*, 松永 恒雄, 中村 良介, 関根 康人, 平田 成, 山口 靖
日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人, 24, 1, 20-32, 2015

41. Hsu, H-.W.*+, F. Postberg+, Y. Sekine+, T. Shibuya, S. Kempf, M. Horanyi, A. Juhasz, N. Altobelli, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki,
T. Kuwatani, S. Tachibana, S. Sirono, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, R. Srama (+: these authors equally contribute to the paper)
"Ongoing hydrothermal activities within Enceladus"
Nature, 519, 207-210, 2015

*Selected as a highlight paper in Nature

40. Yamamoto, S.*, T. Matsunaga, R. Nakamura, Y. Sekine, N. Hirata, Y. Yamaguchi
"Rotational pixel swapping method for detection of circular features in binary images"
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53, 2, 710-723, 2015

39. Sekine, Y.*, H. Genda, Y. Muto, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Impact chemistry of methanol: Implications for volatile evolution on icy satellites and dwarf planets, and cometary delivery to the Moon"
Icarus, 243, 39-47, 2014

38. Nakamura, A., Y. Yokoyama*, Y. Sekine, K. Goto, G. Komatsu, P. S. Kumar, H. Matsuzaki, I. Kaneoka, T. Matsui
"Formation and geomorphologic history of the Lonar impact crater deduced from in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al"
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, 3190-3197, 2014

37. Takano, Y.*, H. Yano, Y. Sekine, R. Funase, K. Takai
"Planetary protection on international waters: An onboard protocol for capsule retrieval and biosafety control in sample return mission"
Advances in Space Research, 53, 1135-1142, 2014

36. Sekine, Y.*, Y. Takano, H. Yano, R. Funase, K. Takai, M. Ishihara, T. Shibuya, S. Tachibana, K. Kuramoto, H. Yabuta,
J. Kimura, Y. Furukawa
"Exploration of Enceladus' water-rich plumes toward understanding of chemistry and biology of the interior ocean"
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, 12, Tk 7-11, 2014

35. Komatsu, G.*, P.S. Kumar, K. Goto, Y. Sekine, T. Matsui
"Drainage systems of Lonar Crater, India: Contributions to Lonar Lake hydrology and crater degradation"
Planetary and Space Science, 95, 45-55, 2014

34. Sekine, Y.*
"Formation of a nitrogen-rich atmosphere on Tian: a review"
In The early evolution of the atmospheres of terrestrial planets, eds. J.M. Trigo-Rodrigez et al., Springer, p.107-122, 2013

33. Goto, K.T.*, Y. Sekine, K. Suzuki, E. Tajika, R. Senda, T. Nozaki, R. Tada, K. Goto, S. Yamamoto, T. Maruoka, N. Ohkouchi, N.O. Ogawa
"Redox conditions in the atmosphere and shallow marine environments during the first Huronian deglaciation: insights from Os isotopes and redox-sensitive elements"
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 376, 145-154, 2013

32. Kurosawa, K.*, S. Sugita, K. Ishibashi, S. Hasegawa, Y. Sekine, N.O. Ogawa, T. Kadono, S. Ohno, N. Ohkouchi, Y. Nagaoka, T. Matsui
"Hydrogen cyanide production due to mid-size impacts in a redox-neutral N2-rich atmosphere"
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 43, 221-245, 2013

関根 康人*, 高野 淑識, 矢野 創, 船瀬 龍, 高井 研, 石原 盛男, 渋谷 岳造, 橘 省吾, 倉本 圭, 薮田 ひかる, 木村 淳, 古川 善博
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 21, 229-238 2012

関根 康人*
地質学雑誌, 118, 650-663, 2012

29. Heldmann, J.* et al.
"LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) observation campaign: Strategies, implementation, and lessons learned"
Space Science Reviews, 167, 93-140, doi:10.1007/s11214-011-9759-y, 2012

28. Sekine, Y.*, H. Genda
"Giant impacts in the Saturnian system: a possible origin of diversity in the inner mid-sized satellites"
Planetary and Space Science, 63-64, 133-138, 2012

27. Ishimaru, R*, Y. Sekine, T. Matsui, O. Mousis
"Oxidizing proto-atmosphere on Titan: constraint from N2 formation by impact shock"
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 741:L10, 1-6, doi: 10.1088/2041-8205/741/1/L10, 2011

26. Sekine, Y.*, K. Suzuki, R. Senda, K.T. Goto, E. Tajika, R. Tada, K. Goto, S. Yamamoto, N. Ohkouchi, N.O. Ogawa, T. Maruoka
"Osmium evidence for synchronicity between a rise of atmospheric oxygen and Palaeoproterozoic deglaciation"
Nature Communications, 2:502, 1-6, doi: 10.1038/ncomms1507, 2011
* Selected as a highlight paper in Nature Communications

25. Hong, P.K.*, S. Sugita, N. Okamura, Y. Sekine, H. Terada, N. Takatoh, Y. Hayano, T. Fuse, T.-S. Pyo, H. Kawakita,
D.H. Wooden, E.F. Young, P.G. Lucey, K. Kurosawa, H. Genda, J. Haruyama, R. Furusho, T. Kadono, R. Nakamura,
S. Kamata, T. Hamura, T. Sekiguchi, M. Soma, H. Noda, J. Watanabe
"A ground-based observation of the LCROSS impact events using the Subaru Telescope"
Icarus, 214, 21-29, 2011

24. Sekine, Y.*, E. Tajika, R. Tada, T. Hirai, K.T. Goto, T. Kuwatani, K. Goto, S. Yamamoto, S. Tachibana, Y. Isozaki, J.L. Kirschvink
"Manganese enrichment in the Gowganda Formation of the Huronian Supergroup: a highly oxidizing shallow-marine environment after the last Huronian glaciation"
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 201-210, 2011

23. Sekine, Y.*, H. Genda, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Replacement and late formation of atmospheric N2 on undifferentiated Titan by impacts"
Nature Geoscience, 4, 359-362, 2011
*Selected as a highlight paper in Nature Geoscience

関根 康人*
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 19, 4, 303-313, 2010

Kurosawa, K.*, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, K. Shigemori, Y. Hironaka, K. Otani, T. Sano, A. Shiroshita, N. Ozaki,
K. Miyanishi, T. Sakaiya, Y. Sekine, S. Tachibana, K. Nakamura, S. Fukuzaki, S. Ohno, R. Kodama, T. Matsui

"In-situ spectroscopic observation of silicate vaporization due to> 10 km/s impacts using laser driven projectiles"
Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L23203, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045330, 2010

20. Fukuzaki, S., Y. Sekine*, H. Genda, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Impact-induced N2 production from ammonium sulfate: Implications for the origin and evolution of N2 in Titan's atmosphere"
Icarus, 209, 2, 715-722, 2010

19. Sekine, Y.*, E. Tajika, N. Ohkouchi, N.O. Ogawa, K. Goto, R. Tada, S. Yamamoto, J.L. Kirschvink
"Anomalous negative excursion of carbon isotope in organic carbon after the last Paleoproterozoic glaciation in North America"
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11, Q08019, 1-10, doi:10.1029/2010GC003210, 2010

洪 鵬*, 岡村 奈津子, 杉田 精司, 関根 康人, 寺田 宏, 高遠 徳尚, 早野 裕, 布施 哲治, 河北 秀世, 黒澤 耕介, 春山 純一,
古荘 玲子, 門野 敏彦, 中村 良介, 羽村 太雅, 関口 朋彦, 渡部 潤一
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 19, 2, 96-104, 2010

17. Kadono, T.*, T. Sakaiya, Y. Hironaka, K. Otani, T. Sano, T. Fujiwara, T. Mochiyama, K. Kurosawa, S. Sugita,
Y. Sekine, W. Nishikanbara, T. Matsui, S. Ohno, A. Shiroshita, K. Miyanishi, N. Ozaki, R. Kodama, A.M. Nakamura
M. Arakawa, S. Fujioka, K. Shigemori
"Impact experiments with a new technique for acceleration of projectiles to velocities higher than Earth's escape velocity 11.2 km/s"
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, 115, E04003, doi:10.1029/2009JE003385, 2010

16. Naganuma, T.*, Y. Sekine
"Hydrocarbon lakes and watery matrices/habitats for life on Titan"
Journal of Cosmology, 5, 905-911, 2010

15. Kadono, T.*, T. Sakaiya, Y. Hironaka, K. Otani, T. Sano, T. Fujiwara, T. Mochiyama, K. Kurosawa, S. Sugita,
Y. Sekine, W. Nishikanbara, T. Matsui, S. Ohno, A. Shiroshita, K. Miyanishi, N. Ozaki, R. Kodama, A.M. Nakamura
M. Arakawa, S. Fujioka, K. Shigemori
"Impact experiments with projectiles at velocities higher than 10 km/s"
Proc. 16th APS Conf. on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, 16, 2009

門野 俊彦*, 重森 啓介, 境家 達弘, 弘中 陽一郎, 佐野 孝好, 大谷 一人, 藤原 隆史, 持山 智浩, 藤岡 慎介, 黒澤 耕介, 城下 明之,
宮西 宏併, 尾崎 典雅, 兒玉 了祐, 関根 康人, 杉田 精司, 松井 孝典, 橘 省吾, 大野 宗祐, 荒川 政彦, 竹内 拓, 中村 昭子
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 18, 1, 4-9, 2009

13. Kawaragi, K., Y. Sekine*, T. Kadono, S. Sugita, S. Ohno, K. Ishibashi, K. Kurosawa, T. Matsui, S. Ikeda
"Direct measurements of chemical composition of shock-induced gases from calcite: an intense global warming after the Chicxulub impact due to the indirect greenhouse effect of carbon monoxide"
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 282, 56-64, 2009

関根 康人*, 今中 宏, 杉田 精司, セバスチャン レボノア, エマ ベイクス, ビシュン カレー, クリス マッケイ, 松井 孝典
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 17, 2, 105-116, 2008

大野 宗佑*, 門野 敏彦, 河原木 皓, 石橋 高, 黒澤 耕介, 関根 康人, 杉田 精司, 中村 栄三, 松井 孝典
日本惑星科学会誌, 遊星人, 17, 2, 98-104, 2008

10. Sekine, Y.*, S. Lebonnois, H. Imanaka, T. Matsui, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita
"The role of organic haze in Titan's atmospheric chemistry II: Effect of heterogeneous reaction to the hydrogen budget and chemical composition of the atmosphere"
Icarus, 194, 1, 201-211, 2008

9. Sekine, Y.*, H. Imanaka, T. Matsui, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita
"The role of organic haze in Titan's atmosphere I: Laboratory investigation on heterogeneous reaction of atomic hydrogen with Titan tholin"
Icarus, 194, 1, 186-200, 2008

8. Mousis, O.*, Y. Alibert, Y. Sekine, S. Sugita, T. Matsui
"The role of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis in Jovian subnebula chemistry"
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 459, 965-968, 2006

7. Sekine, Y.*, S. Sugita, T. Shido, T. Yamamoto, Y. Iwasawa, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"An experimental study on Fischer-Trospch catalysis: Implications for impact phenomena and nebular chemistry"
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 41 (5), 715-729, 2006

6. Sekine Y.*, S. Sugita, T. Shido, T. Yamamoto, Y. Iwasawa, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"The role of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis in the origin of methane-rich Titan"
Icarus, 178, 154-164, 2005

5. Okudaira, K.*, T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, S. Sugita, Y. Sekine, H. Yano
"Evaluation of mineralogical alteration of micrometeoriod analog materials captured in aerogel"
Advances in Space Research, 34, 2299-2304, 2004

4. Sekine, Y.*, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Methane Production by Large Iron Meteorites Impacts on Early Earth"
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, 108, E7, 5070, 10, 1029/2002JE002034, 2003

3. Kadono, T.*, S. Sugita, N. K. Mitani, M. Fuyuki, S. Ohno, Y. Sekine, T. Matsui
"Vapor clouds generated by laser ablation and hypervelocity impact"
Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 20, 1979, doi:10.1029/2002GL015694, 2002

2. Okudaira, K.*, T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, S. Sugita, Y. Sekine, H. Yano
"Post retrieval analysis techniques for micrometeoroid and debris samples captured in aerogels onboard the international space station"
Proc. 23rd ISTS meeting, 23, 2307-2311, 2002

1. Kadono, T.*, S. Sugita, M. Fuyuki, S. Ohno, Y. Sekine, T. Matsui
"Silicate vapor in laser ablation and hypervelocity impacts"
Frontier Res. Earth Evol., 1, 309-314, 2002

Presentations (selected international presentations)
44. Sekine, Y.
, S. Tan, T. Shibuya, C. Miyamoto, Y. Takahashi (invited)
"Fate of sufate in Europa's ocean: hydrothermal reactions, experimental insights, and implications for future missions"
COSPAR, Pasadena, USA, July 2018

Sekine, Y.
"What makese chemical diveristy among ExoOceans in the Solar System?"
ISSI ExoOceans meeting, Bern, Switzerland, June 2018

Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya (invited)
"Water chemistry on early Ceres: Its implications for planetary formation"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Socity meeting, Honolulu, USA, November 2017

Sekine, Y.
"Chemical aspects on origin and eovlution of icy satellites and dwarf planets"
International worshop on Solar System icy bodies, Sapporo, Japan, March 2017

Sekine, Y.
"Water chemistry of "aqua"planets: Pluto and Ceres"
Join meeting of Multi-scale science and aqua planetology, Sagamihara, Japan, November 2017

39. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, Y. Aikawa
"Neutral pH of water on early Ceres: Implications for formation temperature of Ceres in the protoplanetary disk"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2016

Sekine, Y., H. Tabata
"Runaway acidification of surface water on early Mars in response toatmospheric evolution"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Socitry meeting, Beijing, China, August 2016

Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, Y. Aikawa, T. Funatsu
"Neutral pH of water on early Ceres"
Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan, June 2016

Sekine, Y., H. Genda, T. Funatsu
"Can a Charon-forming giant impact produce elongated dark areas on Pluto?"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2015

Sekine, Y., K. Kodama, S. Obata, T. Kobayashi, N. O. Ogawa, Y. Takano, N. Ohkouchi, K. Saiki, T. Sekine
"Impact-induced alterations of planetary organic and ice simulants"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society meeting, Singarore, August 2015

Sekine, Y.
"Enceladus' ongoing hydrothermal activity and issures for future explorations"
MISASA V International symposium, Misasa, Japan, March 2015

Sekine, Y., F. Postberg, H.-W. Hsu, T. Shibuya, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, S. Tachibana, S. Sirono (Invited)
"Ongoing hydrothermal activity in the chondritic core of Enceladus inferred from nano-silica particles and laboratory experiments"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014

Sekine, Y., Y. Kasai, H. Sagawa, T. Kuroda, K. Kodama, Y. Hori, M. Ikoma, K. Kuramoto, H. Yurimoto
"Observations and science of Galilean satellites by JUICE-SWI (Submillimeter Wave Instrument"
JpGU Annual meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, May 2014

Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, F. Postberg, H.-W. Hsu, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, S. Tachibana
"Experimental evidence for high-temperature water-rock interactions in chondritic core of Enceladus"
45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA,March 2014

30. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, F. Postberg, H.-W. Hsu, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, S. Tachibana
"Enceladus' hydrothermal activity: another habitable world?"
The international astrobiology workshop, Kanagawa, Japan, Novermber 2013

29. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, F. Postberg, H.-W. Hsu, K. Suzuki, Y. Masaki, T. Kuwatani, S. Tachibana
"High-temperature water-rock interactions in Enceladus inferred from silica formation and hydrothermal experiments"
45th Annual Meeting, DPS, Denver, USA, October 2013

28. Sekine, Y., Y. Takano, H. Yano, R. Funase, K. Takai, M. Ishihara, T. Shibuya, S. Tachibana, K. Kuramoto, H. Yabuta,
J. Kimura, Y. Furukasa
"Exploration of Enceladus' water-rich plumes toward understanding of chemistry and biology of the interior ocean"
29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Nagoya, Japan, June 2013

27. Sekine, Y.
"Geochemistry and astrobiology on icy satellites in the solar system"
1st ELSI international symposium, Tokyo, Japan, March 2013

26. Sekine, Y.
"Laboratory and theroretical simulations of hypervelocity impacts: implications for the origin and evolution of planets"
13rd Workshop on Impact on Solar System Objects, Hyderabad, India, January

25. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, K. Suzuki,T. Kuwatani
"Experimental constraints on hydrothermal activities in Enceladus"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2012

24. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, T. Kuwatani, H.K. Peng, K. Suzuki
"Hydrothermal experiments on volatile partitioning on early Titan: implications for the origin and evolution of atmosphere and core"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society-American Geophysical Union (WPGM), Singarore, August 2012

23. Sekine, Y. (invited lecture)
"Coupled evolution of the interior and surface environment of the Earth and planets"
CPS 9th International School of Planetary Sciences, Kobe, Japan, June 2012

22. Sekine, Y. (invited review)
"Origin of Titan's atmosphere"
Titan through time II workshop, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, USA, April 2012

21. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, T. Kuwatani, K. Suzuki
"Hydrothermal systems in Enceladus: Constraints from experiments and observations"
Planetary Geology Field Symposium, Kitakyusyu, Japan, November 2011

20. Sekine, Y. (invited)
"Experimental constraints on exogenic and endogenic N2 formation on Titan, Triton, and Enceladus"
Nitrogen in planetary systems: the early evolution of the atmospheres of terreestrial planets, Barcelona, Spain, September 2011

19. Sekine, Y.
"The role of hypervelocity impacts in the formation and evolution of the Saturnian satellites"
BepiColombo-Messenger Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, September 2011

18. Sekine, Y., T. Shibuya, K. Suzuki (invited)
"Experimental constraints on hydrothermal systems on Enceladus"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2011

17. Sekine, Y., H. Genda, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Atmospheric replacement and late formation of N2 on undifferentiated Titan during the Late Heacy Bombardment"
American Geophysical Union fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2010

16. Sekine, Y. (invited)
"Laboratory experiments on hypervelocity impacts on planetary ices"
International Workshop on Advances in Planetary Atmospheres and Exploration, Ahmedabad, India, July 2010

15. Matsui, T., Y. Sekine (invited)
"Origin and evolution of the atmospheres of Titan, Triton, and Pluto: Role of impact-induced vapor cloud of planetary icy materials"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2010, Hyderabad, India, July 2010

Sekine, Y., H. Genda (invited)
"Giant impacts in Saturnian System: Origin of variety in the mid-sized satellites"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2010, Hyderabad, India, July 2010

13. Sekine, Y.
"Earth's memory: Co-evolution & interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, and life"
6th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science (JGFoS) 2009, Tokyo, Japan, October 2009

12. Sekine, Y., S. Fukuzaki, S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"The role of impact degassing for the evolution of the N2 atmosphere on Titan: Impact chemistry on ammonia-water ice and
ammonium sulfate"
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, Singapore, August 2009

11. Sekine, Y., K. Suzuki, R. Senda, E. Tajika, R. Tada, K. Goto, S. Yamamoto, N. Ohkouchi, N.O. Ogawa
"Osmium evidence for relationship between atmospheric oxygenation and Paleoproterozoic glaciation"
19th Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, June 2009

Sekine, Y.
"The role of heterogeneous reactions in the origin and evolution of Titan's atmosphere"
Workshop for Interstellar Matter 2008, Sapporo, Japan, September 2008

9. Sekine, Y., E. Tajika, N. Ohkouchi, N.O. Ogawa, K. Goto, R. Tada, K. Kanai, S. Yamamoto
"Large negative excursion of organic carbon isotope in the aftermath of the Paleoproterozoic glaciation in North America: Methane-hydrate destabilization, climate recovery, and the Great Oxidation Event"
American Geophysical Union fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2007

8. Sekine, Y.
"Methane-hydrate destabilization in the aftermath of the Paleoproterozoic Snowball Earth: an extreme greenhouse condition and a trigger for the Great Oxidation Event"
The 21st Century Center of Excellence International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, December 2007

7. Sekine, Y., H. Imanaka, S. Lebonnois, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita, T. Matsui
"The role of organic haze in the hydrogen budget on Titan"
European Planetary Science Congress 2006, Berlin, Germany, September 2006

6. Sekine, Y., H. Imanaka, S. Lebonnois, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita, T. Matsui
"The role of organic haze in the hydrogen chemistry on Titan"
Astrobiology Science Conference 2006, Washington D.C., USA, March 2006

5. Sekine, Y., H. Imanaka, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita, T. Matsui
"An experimental study on interactions between Titan tholin and H atom"
37th DPS meeting, Cambridge, UK, October 2005

4. Sekine, Y., H. Imanaka, B.N. Khare, E.L.O. Bakes, C.P. McKay, S. Sugita, T. Matsui
"Experimental study on interactions between H atoms and organic haze"
36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, March 2005

3. Sekine, Y., S. Sugita, T. Shido, T. Kadono, T. Matsui, T. Yamamoto, Y. Iwasawa
"Experimental study on Fischer-Tropsch catalysis in the circum-Saturnian subnebula"
35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, March 2004

2. Sekine, Y., S. Sugita, T. Shido, T. Matsui, T. Yamamoto, Y. Iwasawa
"An experimental study on Fischer-Tropsch catalysis: Implication for planetary science"
13rd Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan, September 2003

1. Sekine, Y., S. Sugita, T. Kadono, T. Matsui
"Global methane production by iron meteorites impacts on early Earth"
34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, USA, March 2003

Books etc.
7. 渋谷 岳造, 関根 康人
固体地球科学の事典(鳥海 光弘ら 編), 朝倉書店, 2018

関根 康人
固体地球科学の事典(鳥海光弘ら 編)、朝倉書店、2018

6. 関根 康人
パリティ、丸善、vol. 33, No.4, 2018

6. 関根 康人
パリティ、丸善、vol. 33, No.1, p. 65-66, 2018

5. 井田 茂、田村 元秀、生駒 大洋、関根 康人 (編集)
朝倉書店, pp.351, 2016

関根 康人
小学館新書, pp.227, 2013

杉田 精司, 関根 康人
図説地球環境(阿部 彩子ら 編), 朝倉書店, 2013

ラルフ ローレンツ(著)、関根 康人(訳)
パリティ、丸善、Vol.24, No.4, p.14-23, 2009

関根 康人, 宮本 英昭, 瀧川 昌
惑星地質学(宮本 英昭, 橘 省吾, 平田 成, 杉田 精司 編), 東京大学出版会, p.219-227, 2008
